Thursday, October 27, 2011


MORNINGS are the best time for me to follow through with the day ahead of me... I wake up, drink my breakfast (blueberry mixed with almonds, soymilk, flaxseed, honey and protein),write my "to-do" list for the day, sometimes gym it, check my e-mail, facebook, twitter, my blog, other favorite blog sites, follow up on current news... while sipping on a cup of coffee.  You can definitely tell I am a morning person. :)

I spend a lot of time browsing through blogs and fashion sites so I can keep up with current trends and discover great fashion designers.  Right now, I'm obsessed with Elin Kling... Her new clothing line in collaboration with another designer, Nowhere is amazing! Those two toned shoes: must have! Overall, her essence and style is impeccably simple and chic: I love it.
for more info:


  1. I wanted to say this a week ago but thanks for following my blog! I fell in love with yours the second I laid eyes on the amazing content, Im definitely going to follow back! And i totally agree with your morning routine, that describes my perfect way to start off the day. Also, Elin looks amazing in those leather pants!

  2. Love the cream sweater - so stylish


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